Monday, November 23, 2009

1st Birthday!!

On November 4, my sweet little boy turned one. It is so hard to believe that one year ago I was in the hospital having him. This has been the fastest year of my life and I'm afraid its only going to get faster. We had so much fun preparing for his party. I'm such a planner that I started back in September buying stuff for it. Since his party fell during the week, a Wednesday, we decided we wanted to do something to make that day special and do something with just us as a family. I picked up a critter cake from Walmart and Jared and I had already gotten him a Veggie Tales dvd collection. So we let him open his gift and then he tore into his cake. It was so funny and he loved it. He made such a mess but it was worth every bit of that mess.

Opening his first birthday present from mommy and daddy.

Doesn't he look sweet squating down.

The critter cupcake before he tore into it.

And the finished product.

On November 7 we had his big party that we invited all of the family to. We had it at the church fellowship hall so there would be enough room. Since he loves balls so much we decided to decorate using balls and ballons. It was so much fun and I think he enjoyed.

I kept the decorations really simple but bright.

I thought his cake turned out really good and it was very fitting for his party theme. Thanks to Ladybugs Bakery in Jasper for doing such a great job.

And finally my sweet little boy opening some of his gifts.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Trick or treating!

Well let me begin by telling you that my sweet little boy did not feel well at all Halloween morning. He was up from about 2am til sometime after 5am with terrible congestion, fever and his ears hurting. So we did not start off a good day. Jared and I had been very excited about taking him trick or treating for the first time. We had planned to leave fairly early in the evening so we could get back home at a decent time. So we left around 4 and ended up not getting home until almost 11. We were all so exhausted. We only made 8 stops to family members only and we realized in a hurry that you can't just go to the door..say trick or treat and leave. By the third stop my baby was sick of getting out of his carseat, putting his jacket back on, going in and then taking his jacket back off and getting back into the carseat. But all in all I am very happy to have had this experience and can't wait to do it again next year. Here are some pictures from Halloween which he didn't exactly cooperate for but I still think they are sweet! This is where we started. On our front porch. He refused to where his cute pirates hat.

This was at our second stop where we got to see Bailey's first cousin Kayden. She is such a sweetie and decided to give him a kiss.

And this is with my sister's kids at my mom's house. I though they were all so cute.